Applied Science and Humanities

Various Departments

The chemistry department strives to impart high quality education with a fine balance of fundamental knowledge, practical exposure and novel concepts. Our main objective is to enable the B. Tech students to acquire knowledge in the basic chemistry of important engineering materials used in industry. In particular students will learn some important areas of chemistry which are more relevant in engineering context.

Department Laboratory KAS 102/ KAS 202

Objective and Research Activity:

Chemistry Dept. relies on its knowledge of mathematics and science—particularly Chemistry— to overcome technical problems safely and economically.

The department has a  well Furnished Laboratory.

Lab. Incharge: Dr. Ruchi Gaur & Dr. Sachi Singh

Lab. Technician: Mr. Bipin Kumar

List of Experiments:

  • Determination of alkalinity in the given water sample.
  • Determination of temporary and permanent hardness in water sample using EDTA ..
  • Determination of available chlorine in bleaching powder.
  • Determination of chloride content in water sample.
  • Determination of iron content in the given solution by Mohr’s method.
  • pH- metric titration.
  • Viscosity of an addition polymer like polyester by viscometer.
  • Determination of iron concentration in sample of water by colorimetric method. The method involves the use of KCN as a chelating agent and the measurements are carried out at 480nm.
  • Element detection and functional group identification in organic compounds.
  • Preparation of Bakelite and Urea formaldehyde resin.

Lab. Containing positive attitude towards practical aspects of engineering arena

The role of physics in engineering education is not a static one. It must respond and evolve with the momentous changes in both engineering and physics which are occurring continually. The pre-dominant reliance of early engineering upon art is giving way to a modern technology based squarely upon the physical sciences. Since, the beginning of this century we have seen as much progress in physics as had been obtained in the whole previous history of mankind. Yet, the obvious and enormous increase in subject matter of modern physics is not the most significant factor relating to the aim of instruction in physics in the education of engineers. On the contrary, the cardinal aim should be that of imparting to the student a point of view, an attitude of mind, and a capacity to deal with the principles and methods of analysis of contemporary physics, for, without training and experience in these modes of thought, neither physicist nor engineer will prove competent to deal with the emerging problems of science and technology.


Physics provides quantitative and analytic skills needed for analyzing data and solving problems in the sciences, engineering and medicine, as well as in economics, finance, management, law and public policy.

Physics opens the door to many career options.

Objective and Research Activity:

The main objective of conducting laboratory in Physics is to make the student to analyze the Physical Principles involved in the device and also to allow the student to relate the Principles to new applications. Our faculty educates the engineering students with all necessary concepts related to physics and develops a scientific attitude by means of distinguishing, analyzing and solving various engineering problems. We are training the students to develop their experimental skills and important practical knowledge in engineering by providing sophisticated physics laboratory.

Apart from the basic experiments conducted in Engineering Physics Lab,it has separate dark room for performing optics related experiments.

Lab. Incharge: Dr. Kshmata Mukhtavat & Dr. Vanchna Singh

Lab. Technician: Mr. Kishan Kumar & Mr. Ashish Kumar

List of Experiments:

Group -A

  • To determine the wavelength of monochromatic light by Newton’s ring.
  • To determine the wavelength of monochromatic light with the help of Fresnel’s biprism.
  • To determine the focal length of two lenses by nodal slide and locate the position of cardinalpoints.
  • To determine the specific rotation of cane sugar solution using polarimeter.
  • To determine the wavelength of spectral lines using plane transmission grating.
  • To study the polarization of light by simple reflection using laser.
  • Measurement of Wavelength of a laser (He- Ne) light using single slit diffraction.

Group – B

  • To determine the specific resistance of a given wire using Carey Foster’s bridge.
  • To study the variation of magnetic field along the axis of current carrying – Circular coil and then to estimate the radius of the coil.
  • To verify Stefan’s Law by electrical method.
  • To convert the galvanometer in ammeter and voltmeter.
  • To study the Hall Effect and determine Hall coefficient, carrier density and – mobility of a given semiconductor using Hall Effect set up.
  • To determine the energy band gap of a given semiconductor material.
  • To determine E.C.E. of copper using Tangent or Helmholtz galvanometer.
  • To draw hysteresis curve of a given sample of ferromagnetic material and from – this to determine magnetic susceptibility and permeability of the given specimen.
  • To determine the coefficient of viscosity of a liquid.
  • Measurement of fiber attenuation and aperture of fiber.

The laboratory is left open for the students with additional facilities to carry out innovative project work apart from regular practical classes.

Mathematics may be described as the fundamental science. It may be broadly described as the science of space, time and number. The universe exists in space and time and is constituted of units of matter. To calculate the extension or composition of matter in space and time and to compute the units that make up the total mass of the material universe is the object of Mathematics. For the space-time quantum is everywhere full of matter and we have to know matter mathematically in the first instance.

Newton, Einstein all valued the importance of mathematics. To solve chemical reactions, we need the concepts of mathematics.Without the contributions of greats like Euler, Pythagoras, Rene Descartes, Alan Turing we may still have been living in some medieval period of time. So we must acknowledge the importance of Mathematics to Science and society.


Strong mathematical background has always been fundamentally important for all engineering students. With such a realization, we are striving to impart excellent teaching in mathematics and support to technical education. It is our goal to see that all engineering branches are well supported. We intend to contribute to and also get benefited in a   number of ways.

One of our reasons for success is that we take and care of the feedback from the student community of the entire college. We also interact with the members of the faculties of all engineering branches, in order to give them timely support in mathematics towards their teaching and research. We use: MATLAB and MATHMATICA  in order to make ourselves  efficient and other departments in calculus and analysis.


The need for science majors to take courses in the humanities has been contentious ever since. The required core curriculum at most colleges and universities has atrophied humanities over the years. Authorities both within and outside the science realm have expressed concern that scientists do not learn enough about the humanities — to the detriment of society.

 The Department of English strives to work hard on academics along with communicative approach in our curriculum where the communication skills is the course ingredient of a student’s career.

The learning is interactive and multimedia based. The department also stresses on soft skills along with overall development of each individual for better employability skills which boost up the confidence level of the students.

The department strives to achieve the vision of Application based learning  through its Language Lab where each individual becomes a confident speaker.

Lab. Incharge: Dr. Anjul Sharma & Dr. Kinshuki Srivastava

List of Experiments:

  • Group Discussion: Practical based on Accurate and Current Grammatical Patterns.
  • Conversational skills for Interviews under suitable Professional Communication Lab conditions with emphasis on Kinesics.
  • Communication Skills for Seminars/Conferences/Workshops with emphasis on Paralinguistic’s / Kinesics.
  • Presentation Skills of Technical Paper/Project Reports/Professional Reports based on proper Stress and Intonation Mechanics.
  • Official /Public Speaking based on Rhythmic Patterns.
  • Theme-Presentation /Key-Note Presentation based on correct argumentation methodologies.
  • Individual Speech Delivery/Conferences with skills to defend Interjections/Quizzes.
  • Argumentative Skills/Role Play Presentation with Stress and Intonation.
  • Comprehensions Skills based on Reading and Listening Practical’s on a model Audiovisual Usage.

The need for science majors to take courses in the humanities has been contentious ever since. The required core curriculum at most colleges and universities has atrophied humanities over the years. Authorities both within and outside the science realm have expressed concern that scientists do not learn enough about the humanities — to the detriment of society.

The Department of English strives to work hard on academics along with communicative approach in our curriculum where the communication skills is the course ingredient of a student’s career.

The learning is interactive and multimedia based. The department also stresses on soft skills along with overall development of each individual for better employability skills which boost up the confidence level of the students.

The department strives to achieve the vision of Application based learning  through its Language Lab where each individual becomes a confident speaker.

Lab. Incharge: Dr. Anjul Sharma & Dr. Kinshuki Srivastava

List of Experiments:

  • Group Discussion: Practical based on Accurate and Current Grammatical Patterns.
  • Conversational skills for Interviews under suitable Professional Communication Lab conditions with emphasis on Kinesics.
  • Communication Skills for Seminars/Conferences/Workshops with emphasis on Paralinguistic’s / Kinesics.
  • Presentation Skills of Technical Paper/Project Reports/Professional Reports based on proper Stress and Intonation Mechanics.
  • Official /Public Speaking based on Rhythmic Patterns.
  • Theme-Presentation /Key-Note Presentation based on correct argumentation methodologies.
  • Individual Speech Delivery/Conferences with skills to defend Interjections/Quizzes.
  • Argumentative Skills/Role Play Presentation with Stress and Intonation.
  • Comprehensions Skills based on Reading and Listening Practical’s on a model Audiovisual Usage.

Hardware Used:

30 Desktop, Intel Dual Core Processor 2.53 GHz, 4 MB L3 Cache, 2 GB RAM, 320 GB HDD, HP SMART ARRAY Controller, Dual NIC Card (Gigabit).