Odd Sem
Electromagnetic Field Theory (KEE-301)
Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation (KEE-302)
Basic Signals & Systems (KEE-303)
Computer System Security (KNC-301)
Technical English (KAS-301)
Electronic Engineering (KOE048)
Even Sem
Electrical Machines-I (KEE-403)
Odd Sem
Power System-I (KEE-501)
Contrul System (KEE-502)
Electrical Machines-II (KEE-503)
Optimization Techniques (KEE-055)
Constitution of India, Law and Engineering (KNC 501)
Power Transmission & Distribution (REE-502)
Even Sem
Odd Sem
Power System Protection (REE-702)
Energy Efficiency and Conversion (REE-076)
Communication System(REN-701)
Even Sem
Introduction to Power Quality & FACTS Devices (REE-081)
Laser System and Applications (REC 043)
After the completion of the course students will be able:
C01 | To understand the principles of laser action and the properties of laser light. |
C02 | To understand the operations of different types of lasers. |
C03 | To explain how material processing is accomplished with lasers. |
C04 | To introduce basic fiber optic communication systems. |
C05 | To understand holography and its applications and metrological applications of laser. |
Microprocessors & Microcontrollers
REC 401)
After the completion of the course students will be able:
C01 | Will acquire knowledge about 8085 Microprocessor & its architecture, evolution. |
C02 | Develop assembly language programming skills and application of interfaces including DMA controller, timer in real time applications, memory, PPI, PIC with its need. |
C03 | Understand and apply the fundamentals of microcontroller, its architecture and registers to be able to write program for various microcontroller based applications in C language. |
C04 | Student will have understanding about various on-chip peripherals like timers, ADC and their use. |
C05 | Student will have knowledge about various Serial communication protocols like UART, SPI used in chip to chip communication. |
Electromagnetic Field Theory (REC 402)
After the completion of the course students will be able:
C01 | Apply vector calculus to static electro-magnetic fields in different engineering field and situations. |
CO2 | Understand Maxwell’s equations in differential and integral forms and apply them to various diverse engineering problems. |
CO3 | Examine the phenomenon in wave propagation in different media and its interfaces and in applications of microwave engineering. |
CO4 | Analyze the nature of electromagnetic wave propagation in the guided medium which is used in microwave applications. |
CO5 | Evaluate the Time – varying fields, Poisson’s and Laplace’ equations and remember the use of them. |
Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation (REC 403)
After the completion of the course students will be able:
C01 | Identify the different measurement standards, systems and Errors in an electronic measurement system |
C02 | Describe different types of Analog and digital voltmeter and ammeter |
C03 | Analyze different types of DC and AC bridges |
C04 | Evaluate voltage, frequency and phase using CRO and DSO |
C05 | Compare different type of Calibration methods. |
Digital Logic Design (REC 301)
After the completion of the course students will be able:
C01 | To be able to understand numeric information in different forms. |
C02 | To be able to analyze combinational circuits and sequential circuits. |
C03 | To be able to evaluate various synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits. |
C04 | To be able to design different clocked sequential circuits. |
C05 | To be able to apply acquired knowledge to design various memory devices: ROM, RAM, PROM, PLD etc. |
Electronic Devices and Circuits (REC 302)
After the completion of the course students will be able:
C01 | Understand the internal structure of semiconductor material and the flow of current in junction under different bias condition. |
C02 | Explain the working of different Opto electronic devices. |
C03 | Analyze transistor and MOSFET amplifier at low and high frequency |
C04 | Evaluate the performance of different feedback topologies. |
C05 | Design the different type of LC and RC oscillator |
Signal and Systems (REC 303)
After the completion of the course students will be able:
C01 | To introduce the concepts and techniques associated with the understanding of signals and systems. |
C02 | Understand the combined implications of the Laplace and Z transform domains and the Regions of convergence (ROC) and their applications in engineering problems. |
C03 | To determine Fourier transforms for continuous-time and discrete-time signals and their applications in engineering problems. |
C04 | Determine the properties of system and computation of response of the system. |
C05 | Develop reasonably-accurate mathematical models for physical systems and analyze the block diagram realizations with a view toward designing more complex systems or more sophisticated models. |
Network Analysis and Synthesis (REE 305)
After the completion of the course students will be able:
CO1 | To emphasize on the types of signals, functions, network elements and various network and signal analysis. Students will be able to identify and formulate electronics problem by using the concept of signals. |
CO2 | To enhance the student knowledge for network theorems, system functions, step and impulse response, convolution integral, amplitude and phase response. |
CO3 | To understand the concept of graph theory. |
CO4 | To make the students learn how to synthesize/design an electric network from a given impedance and admittance function. |
CO.5 | To introduce the concept of properties of transfer functions and zeros of transmission. |
Microwave Engineering (NEC-601)
After the completion of the course students will be able
CO1 | Identify the basic concept of Microwaves and be familiarized with transmission lines like waveguides, micro strip lines and their different modes of operation. |
CO2 | Study the principle of scattering matrix in microwave system & its comparison with other 2-port network parameters and find out the scattering matrix of different microwave components like E-plane Tee, H-plane Tee, Magic Tee, Terminators, Attenuators, Phase Shifters, Isolators, Circulators and Directional Couplers as well as understand their applications. |
CO3 | Analysis the limitations of general semiconductor devices at microwave frequencies and also to understand the basic concept of different microwave devices ( 2-cavity Klystron amplifier, Reflex Klystron amplifiers, Magnetron , TWT& BWO ) and their principles of operation and applications |
CO4 | Classify the Solid State amplifiers like microwave bipolar transistors, tunnel diodes, TEDs, Avalanche transit devices and their applications at microwave frequencies. |
CO5 | Understand the limitations of low frequency measuring devices at microwave frequency and to study a microwave bench & its set up, slotted line carriage , VSWR meter, Also to Understand the Measurement of different parameters like power, frequency , wavelength, impedance , reflection coefficient, VSWR, Insertion & Attenuation loss, antenna characteristics at microwave |
Digital Communication (NEC-602)
After the completion of the course students will be able
CO1 | To be able to understand the basics of digital communication |
CO2 | To be able to analyze various coding techniques. |
CO3 | To be able to analyze various coding techniques. |
CO4 | To be able to design various digital communication system. |
CO5 | To be able to analyze spread spectrum techniques. |
Integrated Circuit Technology (NEC-603)
After the completion of the course students will be able
CO1 | Students will be able to remember the idea of fabrication and think about its application. |
CO2 | Students will be able to understand the steps of IC fabrication. |
CO3 | students will be able to apply the fabrication technology in VLSI designing. |
CO4 | They will be able to analyze the efficiency and performance of different IC’S |
CO5 | Students will be able to evaluate the performance index of different circuits. Students will be able to create the complete design of any circuit with its hardware and software implementation. |
Digital Signal Processing (NEC011)
After the completion of the course students will be able
CO1 | Analyze & create structures of IIR & FIR according to application. |
CO2 | Analyze & design the IIR filter |
CO3 | Analyze & design the FIR filter |
CO4 | Evaluate the benefits of discreatization of DTFT through DFT and analyze the better computation efficiency of FFT than DFT. |
CO5 | Analyze the multirate signal processing and its applications |
Microcontroller for Embedded Systems (NEC022R)
After the completion of the course students will be able
CO1 | Student will have knowledge about internal hardware design of 8051 and MSP430 microcontrollers. |
CO2 | Student will be able to write program for various microcontroller based applications in assembly as well as C language. |
CO3 | Student will have understanding about various on-chip peripherals like timers, ADC and their use. |
CO4 | Student will have knowledge about various Serial communication protocols like UART, SPI used in chip to chip communication. |
CO5 | Student will have understanding about internet of things and its implementation using various wireless communication protocols. |
Integrated Circuits (NEC 501R)
After the completion of the course students will be able
C01 | Calculate the o/p current of basic current mirror, Wilson current mirror and widlar current mirror ckt for the given specifications also determine the dc gain of the given IC 741 ckt. |
C02 | Determine the o/p of the adder, subtractor , integrator , differentiator,inverting and non inverting amplifier OPAMP based ckts by applying the characteristics of ideal OPAMP also calculate the cutoff frequency and gain of 1st &2nd order butterworth LP,HP,BPand BS filters. |
C03 | Calculate the o/p frequency of OPAMP & IC555 based monostable and astable multivibrators. |
C04 | Plot the transfer characteristics of given OPAMP based comparator,Zero crossing detector and schimitt trigger ckts. |
C05 | Design the 1st & 2nd order LP,HP,BP and BS butterworth filter for the given cutoff frequency and gain and also implement /realize the CMOS ckt for digital combinational ckt up to 3 i/p variables |
Principles of Communication (NEC-502)
After the completion of the course students will be able
C01 | Identify the key elements of Communication system and various amplitude modulations techniques involved. |
C02 | Outline the features of angle Modulation Techniques and their comparative analysis and applications suitability. |
C03 | Able to understand the digital modulation and multiplexing techniques in the communication system. |
C04 | Acquired knowledge about pulse modulation, vocoders and mathematical representation of noise. |
C05 | Evaluate the signal to noise ratio and figure of merit of various modulation techniques. |
Microprocessors (NEC-503)
After the completion of the course students will be able
C01 | Outline the features of 8085 and to understand basic architecture of 8085. |
C02 | Write programs to run on 8085 and 8086 . |
C03 | To understand interfacing of 8085 with memory and peripheral chips. |
C04 | To understand interfacing of 8086 with memory and peripheral chips. |
C05 | Use of microprocessor in real life applications. |
Antenna and Wave propagation (REC051)
After the completion of the course students will be able
CO1 | Student will recall and remember the importance of various antenna and parameters. |
CO2 | Student will be able to understand the concept of antenna and antenna array. |
CO.3 | Student will apply the Maxwell’s equations for different antenna parameter. |
CO4 | Student will analyze different antenna and their behavior |
CO5 | The student will evaluate and design new antenna and antenna systems. |
Electronic Switching (NEC 041)
After the completion of the course students will be able:
C01 | Acquire knowledge of the historical developments of telecommunication networks & switching systems. |
C02 | To understand the probabilistic methods & statistics to solve telecommunication n/w problems and to design, develop & implement such networks. |
C03 | Gain knowledge of different types of switching method. |
C04 | To understand the basic concepts of signaling techniques used in transfer of voice and control signals through telecommunication n/w. |
C05 | To design data networks and understand the concepts of networks used to carry voice as well as data. |
Satellite and RADAR System (NEC 045)
After the completion of the course students will be able:
C01 | Understand the basics of radar and radar equation. |
C02 | Able to impart knowledge behind MTI and its performance. |
C03 | Designing of tracking radar and detail study of elements of satellite communication. |
C04 | Evaluate of altitude and orbit control systems and design of satellite links. |
C05 | Analysis of direct broadcast satellite television and GPS receiver operation. |
Wireless & Mobile Communication (NEC 801)
After the completion of the course students will be able:
C01 | Apply the concept of frequency reuse in channel modeling. |
C02 | Analyze and design receiver and transmitter diversity techniques. |
C03 | Analyze the different Wireless communication systems and standards. |
C04 | Evaluate the performance of the wireless system using different multiple access protocols. |
C05 | Create protocols for various WLANS. |
Optical Networks (NEC 802)
After the completion of the course students will be able:
C01 | Designing of 2G Optical Networks using key elements and analysis of optical data transmission over it. |
C02 | Able to impart knowledge behind different type’s gratings, multiplexers, filters and optical switches and analysis how they can be used in designing WDM networks. |
C03 | Imparting knowledge about various clients e.g. SONET/SDH, ATM and IP and understanding the concept of quality of service. |
C04 | Evaluation of cost trade off and designing of optical networks using wavelength assignment problems in different WDM topology designs. |
C05 | Analysis of Optical Time Domain Multiplexing & to understand concept of interleaving. |
Digital Image Processing (NEC 032)
After the completion of the course students will be able:
C01 | Review the fundamental concepts of a digital image processing system. |
C02 | Analyze images in the frequency domain using various transforms. |
C03 | Evaluate the techniques for image enhancement and image restoration. |
C04 | Categorize various compression techniques. |
C05 | Interpret Image compression standards. |
Optical Communication (NEC 701)
After the completion of the course students will be able:
C01 | Understanding fundamentals of ray theory, mode theory & advances in optical communication system. |
C02 | Understanding different types of fiber required for transmission & analyze how dispersion affects the link. |
C03 | Understanding characteristics of LED/LASER & analysis of rate equation of LASER diode. |
C04 | Analysis of PIN/Avalanche photo detector & understanding the concept of photo detector noise & detector response time. |
C05 | Designing of point to point link by considering power penalities, reciever sensitivity & Bit Error Rate (BER). |
Data Communication Network (NEC 702B)
After the completion of the course students will be able:
C01 | Gain knowledge of basic concepts of Digital communication with different models. |
C02 | Understand the concept behind switching techniques and protocols related to it. |
C03 | Analyze Multiple access techniques and gain practical knowledge about IEEE standards. |
C04 | Evaluate about Network layer and its protocols. |
C05 | Gain knowledge of Transport layer and its protocols. |
VLSI (NEC 703)
After the completion of the course students will be able:
C01 | Understand the basics of MOS transistor and Fabrication of MOS device. |
C02 | Design various digital circuits with MOS transistors and CMOS logic. |
C03 | Evaluate digital circuits for delay, power and area and their optimization |
C04 | Analyze and compare combinational and sequential circuits. |
C05 | Optimize digital circuits according to the given parameters and enhance their efficiency. |